As part of GBL 102: Journeys – Martinique (spring 2016), which introduces first-year students to global structures, systems and patterns by exploring complex and interdependent relationships across the globe, and within the framework of their first-year travel experience, a group of students traveled to the exotic Caribbean island of Martinique from March 5-12, 2016. Highlights of the trip included historical-cultural visits and workshops, educational system immersion, service and exchanges with local artisans, children’s home and schools, and an excursion to the famous Mount Pelée.  The goal of this trip was to connect the themes of travel, colonialism/imperialism, globalization, and identity to the destination.  For a detailed report of the trip, please click on the following link: GBL 102 – Scotties in Martinique – March 2016 – Report – Updated 06-17-2016

Mount Pelée

FOR TRAVEL -- baie de st pierre -- Martinique - PHOTO CREDIT: David GiralBaie de St Pierre, Martinique – Photo Credit: David Giral
Mount Pelée is an active volcano at the northern end of the island and French overseas department of Martinique in the Lesser Antilles island arc of the Caribbean. Its volcanic cone is composed of layers of volcanic ash and hardened lava. (Source: – Accessed 07-23-2015)